HearSafe Earplugs – The Ultimate Motorcycle Ear Plugs

HearSafe Earplugs – The Ultimate Motorcycle Ear Plugs

Want to show off your sense of style? A motorcycle ride will make you enough of an eye-catcher.

Riding a motorcycle doesn’t just make you look good; it makes you feel good too. Riders experience self-confidence, pride, and a sense of belonging they can’t get from behind the wheel of a car, and a motorcycle also helps them to save money at the pump.

Riding a motorcycle is a great way to make the most of any situation. Whether you’re weaving through congested traffic or cruising down a country road, the sense of freedom and control can be unparalleled.

No ride except a motorcycle can compare to a convertible when it comes to an open-air experience. You’re closer to the sky, the wind is in your hair, and you can kiss goodbye to that awful sweat smell from the subway.

Despite its soaring popularity, there are a few things you should probably know before you take off on your adventure. While helmets and boots are must-haves for every biker, ear protection is often overlooked. Protection for your ears makes all the difference when you’re on the road.

Motorcycles allow you to enjoy the open roads and freedom of a motorcycle ride, but you pay for that enjoyment with hearing loss if you’re not taking precautions with earplugs. The roar of your bike can damage your hearing, so always keep noise-reducing earplugs in a handy spot. You may not yet be able to afford a Lamborghini, but at least you can still enjoy riding your bike without getting shot in the ears by your buddies.

Benefits of Motorcycle Earplugs

Minimize wind noise: When you ride a bike, there is no windshield to block the wind. The faster you go, the louder the wind becomes. At highway speeds, high-pitched, ambient wind noise can occur at levels over 100dB. That shrill, distracting sound can be painful and damaging to your hearing. 
Thanks to high-fidelity earplugs that let you never miss out on the important sounds of your journey – but quite a bit of that wind and engine noise just disappears.

Prevent temporary deafness: Wind noise is a constant when you ride a bike. It leads to a condition known as Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS), which results in temporary hearing loss. When you’re on your bike, this partial deafness can make it dangerous since it blocks out all frequencies. So, motorcycle earplugs help you have the best of both worlds. They keep your ears protected from temporary deafness so you can enjoy the ride, and they let you hear all of the wonderful sounds of nature.

Tune into certain frequencies: Good earplugs will actually make you able to hear better even in loud environments. This is because some frequencies become more dampened than others. The best earplugs will enhance sounds and Protect your ears from the loud noises around you—without sacrificing the ability to hear what you want to hear.

Reduce fatigue: When you ride a motorcycle for an extended period, you risk noise fatigue. It can cause you to lose some of your hearing permanently. In addition, you may become exhausted and in pain because of this. Wearing Motorcycle earplugs can help to prevent this condition.

HearSafe Ear Plugs – High Fidelity Earplugs for Musician, Concert, Motorcycle 

Musicians, motorcyclists, and concert-goers love these earplugs. They’re made of the finest quality soft silicone, 100% hypoallergenic, safe, and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

HearSafe noise protection has precise, integrated sound filtration that blocks harmful decibels while allowing clear, natural sound to pass through. They come in an ergonomic and practical aluminum carrying case with a cord, ideal for travel and safe storage!

HearSafe is a great solution for ear protection with a noise reduction rating of 29dB. It’s soft enough for extended wear and still works great for those quick blasts of sound. The Triple Flange design and the cone-shaped tip are made to create a perfect seal in your ear canal, eliminating background noise while you listen to your music.  These earplugs come in two different-sized earplug shells to fit standard to large ear sizes. 

Unlike similar earplugs, these earplugs reduce high-frequency background noise, retaining the music and voice clarity. HearSafe has got you covered. With two sets of earplugs in one package, the White filter has a Noise Reduction Ratio (NRR) of 29 dB, and the Green filter has a Noise Reduction Ratio (NRR) of 23 dB. 

HearSafe earplugs are a simple, comfortable, and effective tool for adjusting the volume at which you listen to music. Whether you’re in the midst of a festival with hundreds of thousands of people or you’re in a small room with friends, HearSafe earplugs will make sure you can enjoy the situation without suffering from hearing loss.

These earplugs offer you premium protection against permanent hearing damage. Use them for a wide variety of activities, from going to shows, concerts, or playing music (or working in construction next to noisy equipment) to sleeping better at night with less snoring.

Key Features of HearSafe Ear Plugs


When looking at noise-canceling earplugs, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends choosing products with at least an NRR of 27 dB. This rating will provide protection against many of the workplace noises that can be damaging to your hearing. Thanks to HearSafe earplugs, high fidelity earplugs that come with more outstanding ratings (i.e., 29dB) are also cost-effective than other similar earplugs on the market. 


Motorcycle accidents are on the rise. Studies have linked such accidents to hearing loss and tinnitus, leading to severe depression or even suicide.

HearSafe earplugs for motorcycling can provide an effective, affordable solution. Everyone has a unique ear canal, so the shape of their earplugs matters. Our motorcycling earplugs  are made to fit the shape of your ears with its triple flange design instead of the reverse.

For motorcyclists who use earplugs for maximum noise protection, HearSafe earplugs are recommended. There is less risk of them falling out or getting stuck in the ear, and they can make as much noise as you can stand.


It’s important to wear earplugs when you ride. They’ll keep your hearing healthy and protect you from danger. Our earplugs are specially designed to fit comfortably in your ears, even if you’re wearing a helmet. And because the stem is shorter, we’ve taken care to make sure the sides of your helmet won’t crush our earplugs. We use only the finest quality of soft silicone in our earplugs, meaning they are hypoallergenic and safe for daily use.

No Matter Where You Go Your Hearing is Safe with Us.


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